The video above shows how to remove and replace a hub cap or a wheel cover on your car. Sometimes hubcaps can break and fly off, other times they become loose due to severe potholes or a brush with the curb. Regardless of why it is missing, hubcaps are pretty easy to replace. Be sure to align the valve stem hole with the valve stem and then press the hubcap so that it clicks into the wheel.
Hubcaps are the cover that just covers the lug nuts on your wheel whereas a wheel cover covers the entire wheel and often the lug nuts are visible. If you have a wheel cover, then you likely need to remove the lug nuts first to change the wheel cover whereas typically snap into place and stay in place with tension wires around the rim of the cap.
Hans Angermeier has produced over 100,000 videos showing drivers how to fix things on their cars. He has broad expertise on basic repair procedures covering the majority of cars on the road.