The 2014 Ford Escape S is a more difficult car to maintain than other similar models, and is only recommended to someone capable of more difficult repairs. To access the oil drain plug, you will have to remove many different types of bolts and a large panel first. This is a problem, as you will have to crawl under the vehicle for reliable access, and use a few tools to complete. The reverse light is extremely difficult to access. You will have to remove many bolts and panels in order to take the bulb housing out of the vehicle for access. Accessing the cabin air filter is also extremely complicated. You will need to remove many components in order to complete, none of which are themselves easy to remove.
Some things are easier to maintain on the 2014 Ford Escape S. The headlight is easy to access on this vehicle, as you only have to reach behind the housing for access to the bulb and cover to complete. Accessing the engine air filter is easy to do, as you only have to disengage a few fasteners for access to the filter. These fasteners are easy to disengage. Checking the brake fluid level is easy to do, as the fluid reservoir is very visible in the engine bay.
Hans Angermeier has produced over 100,000 videos showing drivers how to fix things on their cars. He has broad expertise on basic repair procedures covering the majority of cars on the road.