Consumer Review Video - 2014 Nissan Altima S 2.5L 4 Cyl.

Common problems and easy repairs on a 2014 Altima

The 2014 Nissan Altima S is a very easy car to maintain, and a good choice for the average car owner. The components of the spare tire are easily accessible in the rear of the vehicle. This keeps these components ready to go in case of emergency. Both the engine and interior fuse boxes are easy to access on this vehicle. You only need to remove one cover to access either, allowing you to troubleshoot electrical problems easily. Checking the oil level is easy to do, as the oil dipstick is easily accessible in the engine bay.

Some things are difficult to do on the 2014 Nissan Altima S. Accessing the headlight is difficult, as you will need many tools to complete, and you will have to reach through the wheel well lining for access. This lining can be tough to peel back, as it can grow tight to the vehicle over time. The brake fluid level can be difficult to check, as the maximum and minimum level markers are located in an awkward spot in the engine bay. Setting the clock is more complicated than usual, as you will have to follow unintuitive steps in the menu in order to change the time.


Hans Angermeier has produced over 100,000 videos showing drivers how to fix things on their cars. He has broad expertise on basic repair procedures covering the majority of cars on the road.

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2014 Nissan Altima S 2.5L 4 Cyl. Air Filter (Cabin) Replace

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