The 2007 Dodge Caliber was part of the same Caliber generation produced from 2007 - 2012. Caliber's of this generation consist of the same major mechanical parts with only minor variations from year to year.
“Great web site - learned on-line the steps needed to replace my VW Passat battery - (vehicle specific, as the battery is hid under the windshield cowling). THANK YOU ! ”
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“Thanks. I always just like to make sure I'm adding fluids into the correct reservoir. You have made it very clear. I'm going out to add the wiper fluid now! ”
“My 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix was bought used with 130,000 KMS on it. It now has 290,000 KMS and the battery has finally failed. I've never changed one before, but your video has proven more than helpful. Thanks a bunch! Very much appreciated. ”
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